The problem of disposables, vinyl, and plastic products is becoming increasingly more serious. Only a small portion of these materials are being recycled, and a significant amount finds their way into the sea, threatening the lives of birds and marine life. Some of these waste products turn into micro plastics, which threaten people’s health. It is necessary to encourage people to produce less of these materials, use less, or even not use them altogether
Zero plastics in the shopping bag
Shopping for food with reusable shopping bags, fabric bags, and plastic containers
Zero paper cups
Zero vinyl
Not purchasing snacks, breads, candies, and coffee products in vinyl wrappers
Zero disposable products
Not using disposable items such as wooden chopsticks, plastic spoons, plastic cups, disposable lunch boxes, and tea bags
Sharing and emptying, ‘Nabie’ Flea Market
Refraining from purchasing new items, maintaining items in good condition, regularly organizing ‘Nabie’ Flea Market to donate and buy used items